Monday, January 17, 2011


I have no frickin idea

More things I want in a female companion

Loyalty, emotional maturity, independence, I want to be intensely attracted to her.
Soft, playful.
Does not want more kids.
Beautiful smile even only for me.
Being playful is very very important.
Can be passionate and excited.
Knows it is not about the money.
Is a Lover.
Is very sweet.
Is very very sweet.
Is careful.
Can be calm.
Can be spiritual.
Believes in God.
Has already been married.
Can write.
Can speak well.
Is clean and healthy in body and mind.
No illegal drugs.
No smoking.

What I Want For Me

What do I want for me? This has been the very hardest question for me. In the past it has been a very short list. I want Love. I want to be able to listen to music and eat pizza and occassionaly ice cream. I want to have a nice car or better a truck. Yes, most most a truck. Oh, I might as well describe it; Dodge Dakota with automatic transmission, 4X4, V8, in very good shape and low miles.

What do I want in a primary relationship? Love, Love, Love. Respect, someone who loves music, someone who wants to touch, and kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, and hug a lot. Someone who wants to be held and hold me. A sweet female who wants to make love with me and always has a beautiful smile and love meaning the physical but it has to be way more. Someone who is understanding, caring, cute, pretty, fun, funniest, not dependent on me, someone who I am not dependent on, someone who talks sweetly with me no matter what. Someone who communicates through talk and touch. Someone who can keep up with me in their own way. Someone who is approximately my age - within 10 years or so. A girly girl, a woman who can say things that are honest and be honest and who is honest. Who is trusting, who is playful, who is appreciative and patient. Who wants to be kissed and worshiped at times. Who is adorable, who works at being happy and yet feels sad at times. Who likes to drive and take road trips. Who knows that it is not about the money. Who passes the test with my Mom. Who is healthy, who is understanding, who is trusting of me and worthy of trust. Who is my friend first. Who is beautiful. Who is smart. Who is humble. Who is lovely. Who is kind and compassionate. Who is wonderful. Who does their best to communicate. Who gives of themself. Who is sexy and knows it. Who is great in bed. Who worships me occassionaly. Who is a good speller. Who easily gets to the airport and likes to travel. Who enjoys doing housework and likes to keep their home neat. Who doesn't move my stuff. Who is good with money. Who supports me in what I want to do and how I am. Who does not want to fix me or change me and accepts me for who I am. Who naturally drops weight on her own. Who is kind to people. Who generous. Who is right for me. Who doesn't wait for me. Who doesn't mind when I sleep. Who doesn't become jealous when I am not paying attention to her. Who has her own dreams and activities. Who puts work second and me first. Who really likes Lauren and is very nice to her. Who puts things away. Who allows time to pass with few words and who wants to hold my hand. Who loves the beach and the ocean. Who can really listen to music. Who can hear a bass line in a piece of music. Who can hear individual music instruments within a musical piece.
That's a good start for right now. I hope to think of more and narrate my thoughts further.